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Manon Blanc

Coffee-flavored butter cream and hazelnut chocolate past, praline, covered with white chocolate. One…

Manon Cafe Blanc

Coffee infused butter cream and hazelnut chocolate paste, praline, topped with a whole hazelnut, cov…

Noir de Noir

Very dark Belgian chocolate filled with 72% dark chocolate ganache. Gluten free.

Louise Fondant

Hazelnut and chocolate paste/nougat, praline, infused with caramel, covered with dark chocolate.


Pure hazelnut chocolate paste, praline, (without a chocolate cover). Gluten Free.


Dark chocolate filled with orange blossom infused chocolate ganache.

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Leonidas Chocolate Heart with Blood Orange Ganache

Spirulina and blood orange; White chocolate, spirulina and blood orange ganache - this seasonal crea…